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Landing Page Optimization

Paid search advertising can be very expensive depending on your market so getting the best conversion rate for the visitors you pay for is very important. After all, the search engines don’t care if you sell anything they get paid on a per click basis so they are just happy when people click on your ad. It is your job to turn those visitors into customers. Using our conversion optimization services for your web site can help with that process. But landing page optimization is another great way to turn those expensive visitors into customers.

A landing page is web page specifically created to provide paid visitors a place where they go to get exactly what they were looking for. You can tailor these pages to provide visitors just the information they need to complete the sale. Many times condensing the amount of information you provide visitors will focus them in on what you want them to do. Eliminating distractions and focusing on the sale is good advice in general but a full web site needs content in order for the search engines to rank them. That is why people use landing pages.

Landing page optimization is the process we use to test certain aspects of the landing page so that we can determine the best overall format. Small changes to a landing page can sometimes make a big difference. Over time it will become apparent what the winning formula is and you will be maximizing your paid click opportunities.

Let DigitalTrails Marketing formulate a landing page optimization campaign to suit your business. What would a 5% increase in conversions mean to your business?